Louise Breidel – West St. Paul
I was on my way to a meeting in Roseville when I used my turn signal and it clicked much faster than usual. There was a notification that my right rear turn signal was not working. I was scared because I was on freeways and busy roads. After the meeting I was really worried about being on the highways during rush hour. As I drove I knew I could go to Signal Garage and they would take care of me. I thought maybe while we were at it, I should have both signals replaced and that is what was done. In less than an hour parts were ordered and installed while I waited, and I took off for home. I have been using Signal Garage for years. The entire staff has always been helpful and explains what needs to be done. I seldom use the pick up or ride home benefit, but I appreciate that it is available.The waiting room is comfortable and helps the time pass.